Photo Gallery
- Donald Heck with his Rio Grande Turkey Gobbler
- Rob Plotz with his first deer – 193 lb Axis buck
- Joseph Phillips with his trophy 8 point whitetail
- Junior member Bailie Pittman takes her 1st buck
- Stanley Shephard Pulls the trigger on A 30″ Axis
- Louisiana member Mike Milanowski takes home his Texas 8 pt.
- 8 point Sika buck taken by Donald Heck.
- Donald Heck takes his whitetail cross-bow style
- Bud Strauss and his 8 point Hill Country Buck
- Danny Little and his Big Corsican Ram
- Glenn Hudson opens the season with his 150 class 10 point
- Pistol Hunter Bud and his summer Blackbuck Antelope
- Bobby Celis takes a 30″ Axis on the river bottom
- Scott Harrison and his Sika Buck trophy
- Long-time member, Dr. Scott Harrison, with 19″ blackbuck!
- Brandon Beauchamp masters a beautiful Axis measuring 32″ high and 29″wide
- Trophy blackbuck 23 ¾”
- 480 lb russian boar taken on a night hunt
- First whitetail taken by one of our junior hunters
- Russian boars taking advantage of the corn
- Trophy Aoudad
- Club member with his spring turkey
- New member, 1st hunt, James Jungmann takes a nice 9 pt.
- Cole Preston Trophy Mouflon
- Another trophy Axis
- Miguel Vega & son with an axis that measures 29 ¾” & 33 ¼”
- This one may be #3 in Texas
- Happy hunter takes a nice axis buck
- Successful blackbuck antelope hunt
- Our 160 Class Whitetail
- Axis buck 36 ¾”